Kristin RONALD

Olympia Figure Skating Club (OLY)
GBR Great Britain

Best elements
1Ayr Open 2013Ayr2013-09-06Level 411.6211details
2Kyle Open 2013Ayr2013-05-24Level 421.449details
3Murrayfield Open 2013Edinburgh2013-05-02Level 423.019details
4Magnum Open 2013Auchenharvie2013-03-08Level 423.4216details
5Ayr Open 2012Ayr2012-09-07Level 321.944details
6Kyle Open 2012Ayr2012-05-25Level 319.679details
7Murrayfield Open 2012Edinburgh2012-05-04Level 325.045details
8Dundee IJS 2011Dundee2011-08-13Level 116.441details

Is the name of the skater incorrectly spelled?